Mashup Camp 3 Recap

I have to say, Mashup Camp 3 was awesome, intense and exhausting.

First I'd like to thank the organizers Doug Gold and David Berlind and all the other people that helped to make the camp a great success, also the sponsors who made the camp possible and had some cool swag on hand: Yahoo!, AOL, Sun, Intel, Microsoft, Adobe, eventful, Kapow, IBM, autodesk.

This was my first unconference and it was probably the best conference I've ever been to.

One of the features of mashup camp is something called speed geeking, which is demonstrating your mashup every 5 minutes for an hour and a half, like speed dating, except your demoing for groups of people. There are two of these 90 minute sessions over the two days and it was intense. 20+ demos going on in the same room, the sound is deafening as everyone is speaking at the same time. By the end of the session your voice is giving out and frankly your exhausted from the torrent of questions, but it is a great way to hone your demo and pitch and the feedback is immediate.

The hotel which is called hotel@mit and is the kind of place to embrace your inner nerd, since the theme of the hotel is engineering and science, which is pretty unusual, even the bed spreads had  equations on them.

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